Sunday, February 14, 2010

Finding the Passion

It could be anywhere, and hit you at any moment. Never assume, and at times...let your guard down. Allow yourself to be suprised. Passions endure, adapt, end and begin, are lost and found. Think fondly of those that have entered your life, consider yourself lucky even if the passing was not preferred; because there are some that never got the advantage of so.

Wonder, question, search

Give in, but always stand your ground.

I've found myself suprisingly very happy during a time when I never expected. For the first time in a very long while, I am giving in with no questions asked, because even if I have this for a moment, I am a better person.

I would rather know that I might hurt down the road than to never FEEL at all!

Enjoy everyday, and let Passion slap you in the face when it soars by!

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